End of the day recap!

11/10/2010 07:30:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Well, today went amazingly well! I will admit, during my workout I didn't think I was going to be able to finish or live to tell the tale of it, but I pushed through and boy am I feeling it now YIKES! I just pray that I can get out of bed in the morning =) I am going to try and take a nice hot bath tonight but we shall see.

I think my biggest struggle and concern right now is my schedule. Right now I am doing great and able to fit things in but being a SAHM of three kids, one being only 7 weeks old, I am afraid I am going to get derailed by being overwhelmed! I start school full time January 10th (online classes) and I am not a very good student. I will have to study A LOT on top of homework. I know that i need to make priorities and get over certain quirks of mine. Having a clean house is one thing, having a Martha Stewart clean house is probably never going to happen again. I need to realize I can't be Super Mom and some days my house my be a little messy. I know this but will I be able to do it in the end?

I will just take it one day at a time. One hill at a time. I won't start thinking about the hurdles I MIGHT run into before I have even landed my jump from the first hurdle. I think worrying about the what ifs and worrying IF I am going to fail WILL make me fail. I need to start KNOWING I can do this and telling myself everyday I will achieve all my goals. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who supports me in everything I do!! Now to get the kids ready and tucked into bed. And maybe I can get that soak in ;)


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