The January Promise

1/10/2011 04:45:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

So it is a New Year and with a new year comes new years resolutions.  The most popular one being "get healthy" and/or "lose weight".  Lots of people want to get healthy by eating right and exercising, but has anyone thought about your health in terms of your surroundings?  The everyday items in your life that can be introducing chemicals into your body?  Well I have been doing A LOT of thinking about this topic and it seems that every year the world gets more and more polluted which prompts more people to GO GREEN!  Most of us remember the Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! phrase from school and it has been ingrained in us to RECYCLE!  For most of us though, we think of this as drink a pop and throw the can in the recycle container or the junk mail in the paper bin but that is there is an entire step that people overlook and that is where the item came from to begin with! So this month I am going to go over lots of different ways to clean up those chemicals in your everyday life!  You will surprise yourself at how easy so much of it is AND you can save a few bucks too!

I love hearing from you!