Way to early to be this awake!!

11/10/2010 06:23:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Oh how my life drabbles on! My days are starting to run together and my eyes are open more at night than they should be. While I would like to chalk it up to being a mother of three children, one of which is only 7 weeks old, I can't. It's all me. The baby sleeps wonderfully and only wakes up once a night, which is actually not until about 5 in the morning. This would be perfect if I could sleep. I could probably sleep if my brain came with an off button so that I can stop thinking of all the stresses and ideas of life. I sleep great when my husband is home, but he is gone more than he is home.

The last few days I feel like I am nonstop going and you think with all the going I would be so exhausted by the end of the day I just conk out. Wrong. End of the day, all kids are sleeping, and I am laying in my bed thinking about recipes, school, the next project I want to work on, and things I need to add to my to-list. I just can't shut my brain off. And I can't take those wonderful sleeping pills for I fear I would sleep TOO well and not hear the baby cry.

I wish with all this energy and enthusiasm I could get farther along on my NANOWRIMO. I seriously have 1700ish words. *facepalm*. I am in a major writers block. I bet if I erased 500 of those words and started over I would be in better shape, but then by the off chance it doesn't work, I just deleted 500 words for no reason. Oh the ponders of life as a writer.

My husband has been gone one week as of today. Major suckage. I miss him a great deal...even though he excels at driving me batty when he is home. I get sleep though when he is home. I just curl up next to him and I am out in two minutes.

I wish I had more time to clean my house up. I am starting to feel like an episode of hoarders. My back living room is a disaster with all my craft supplies, papers, the kids home school stuff, etc. And I hate those random papers that you do not want to toss, but where do you put them if you keep them?! I just need to make that a priority today because once I start my online classes in January I will need that space to actually sit at the computer and do homework. Without having to clear a spot first. I would like to try and use my craft table too for homework since I can use the computer chair to sit there and that is a lot nicer on my hind end than the dining room chairs.

I cannot believe that it is November already! It is that time of year for me to get all the Christmas presents going so that I do not have to worry about it. In terms of shopping I am all done. I just have some handmade gifts I want to give out this year and I need to get started on that....but I am having troubles with my damn sewing machine. I am about to stick it in a box and forget about it. Or sell it. Something. I really am too irritated with it now to figure out what is wrong because I have tried EVERYTHING.

I wish my house was this quiet more often. Everyone is sleeping but me....I hate that the baby went right back to sleep after his feeding but I just laid in bed until finally I was so bored here I am on my blog. With nothing all that important to say.

Yes, I am boring today. I will try harder next post.

I am going to raid my kitchen for something yummy for breakfast!!


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