End of day 2!
What a FANTASTIC day! I started off the morning with a superfab breakfast that I made with no recipe. Granted it was an omelet but it was so yummy and really healthy! I then forced myself to do the 30 Day Shred again even though I was still sore from yesterday and I was so proud of myself that that feeling of accomplishment is addicting enough to keep me going. I am SO sore right now though that I can't even walk up and down my stairs without a lot of pain. So tomorrow I am lucky enough to get a massage from my good friend Bruce Kitchen (who by the way has a table and can travel-he is amazing and worth every affordable penny he charges!!). Sometime in the late afternoon tomorrow I will do yoga and give my body a little rest...but not to much hehe. The boys were fantastic today too, and Moose was just so snuggly. Poor little bug was gassy today so tonight I let him soak in his little tub for about a half hour keeping it nice and warm and rubbing his tummy. I also gave him some home made gripe water (2 cups water, boil, 1 tablespoon fennel seed, boil 15 minutes, drain, cool, serve about 1 tsp to baby) and he started belching like a man! After his bath I gave him a baby massage with his special lavender lotion for babies to help them sleep and relax (works on moms too!), rocked him for a bit and he was snoring. It felt so good that he just went right to sleep and it was not a battle like usual. I look at him and I feel so much love for him, and so grateful to Aaron for giving me this little gift. He has changed me in so many ways I didn't know needed changing.When Aaron left this last trip, I was scared I wouldn't be able to handle everything. That adding a baby to already what is chaotic would be unbearable on my emotions. But it's so much better than I thought it was and I didn't give myself enough credit. My days are definitely busier, but not more stressful. I don't let them be. I have accepted that sometimes Kaleb has to cry for a few minutes while I get dinner thrown together or tend to the other boys. Ryley is a BIG helper though and I am so proud of him. He really loves his baby brother when Kaleb is crying Ryley sings to him and gives him his pacifier. Granted he has his 4 year old moments but more often than not he is so grown up and mature for his age. Makes me proud to be a mom when I look at him.
I am hoping tonight I sleep better than I have been. It is so hard having an empty bed when my husband has been right beside me for the last month and a half. I am going to sip on some tea and just enjoy the silence of the house....moments like these are priceless.
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