Chore Chart

11/22/2010 12:23:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Using a chore chart with kids is a BRILLIANT idea! For every chore my child completes I put a star in correct row under the correct day column.  At the very end of the row at the end of the week I sit down with them and we together count the stars.  At the very bottom I write down how many stars gets you what rewards. For example:
5 stars gets you a sticker
10 stars gets you an extra half hour of tv time
15 stars gets you a cookie after lunch
20 stars gets you a toy of your choice under $10

You obviously can make up your own rewards, but this is great for them to see that they get rewarded for helping out!  Tomorrow (er later today seeing as how it is 12:20 in the morning eek) I will post a blog about what chores are good for what ages of children!  Click on the pic and then right click and save.
If you do not like this one there are more templates HERE.  And more in the future as well!

I love hearing from you!