Mommy Meltdown
Ok moms, I hope you can relate to this and I am not just crazy. But today has to be one of those days where you think to yourself "Why the hell did I become a mom?! I can't take ANYMORE!" I should have known that when I could not get to sleep before 1 am last night/this morning today was going to not be all that great. Then I got up with baby at 4:45 am and could not get back to sleep when I put him back down at 5:30am. So I became Twitter-pated and tweeted to my hearts content. My kids rolled out of bed at 8 and I was thinking "hey this is pretty cool" because who doesn't like it when their kids sleep in?? So I go to make oatmeal for breakfast for them because I am out of just about everything in my kitchen since I didn't go shopping last week because of my vacation. I have no milk. Oatmeal made with water....ugh. So now, here I am tired, irritated at my empty kitchen and drinking a cup of left-over-coffee from yesterday because I haven't had a chance to make more (Hey don't judge...I was DESPERATE for some caffeine) and my 4 yr old says "I don't feel good my tummy hurts". He says this ALL the time. Seriously. He even said it first thing when he woke up this morning. I have learned to say "Oh I'm sorry Ryley" and I smile and kiss his tummy all better. Well this morning apparently he meant it. He started puking. Lovely. I have to get my 2 month old to his 2 month check up at 1030 in the morning, its now 830 and my oldest is puking. I can't reschedule because I have already rescheduled once and I REALLY needed to talk to the dr about his serious issue of constant crying and I knew his lack of weight gain would be an issue. Call my mom. She can't take him because she has to go see her elderly grandfather and take him some items from the store. Well...he seemed fine the rest of the morning...until we are literally walking out the door and to the bathroom he runs. More puking. Joy. We are going to the drs anyways, so I guess it is fitting. Now, I live in northern Idaho and like most of the US we keep getting slammed with snow. And, also probably like most of the US, people can't seem to figure out how to drive and park in this stuff. Parking lot was a disaster...I had to park a mile away (ok so maybe a 1/4 mile but with 2 small children and a car seat, whats the difference right?). Now the snow is melty and gross in the parking lot leaving behind BIG puddles...I have you see where this is going? If not here :SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH alllll the way to the front door. Joy some more. I then proceed to check in where I chew the girls out for there stupidity in my co-pays (saying I had none then sending me a bill for a hundred bucks in co-pays and telling me it's my fault...when it clearly states on my card and they argued with me I didn't have one). I'm already heated and the stupidity and horrible customer service these front girls project just kind of added fuel to my simmering fire. Get your head out of your keester and do your damn job. And don't talk to me like I am an idiot. I did your job for 5+ years ditz. AAAAAnyways. We get back into our little room and I started getting a little weepy with the nurse letting her know how very unsatisfied I am with those front girls. I figure after 4 years of being the perfect damn patients mom, I can throw a stink about this, right? Now, keep in mind, my 4 year old is whiney from not feeling good, my 2 year old NEVER is quiet (when he is not talking noise comes out constantly....who put the damn batteries in him I'll never know but if I find out I'm going to kick their ass), and my 2 month old who refuses to really gain weight (and my 2 yr old had failure to thrive his first year of life...ugh) also refuses to STOP CRYING. The nurse leaves and I am waiting for the dr to come in and my 4 yr old threatens more puking so I have him kneel on the stool and keep his head in the sink. Here we are, his head in the sink, yelling at my 2 yr old to stop standing in front of the door, and the baby who won't stop screaming...I'm walking birth control. You have a hormonal, over-worked, emotional, married yet single mother, on ONE cup of STALE coffee who HAS HAD ENOUGH. Still with me? Now they give my baby his shots, samples of the new OVERPRICED Nutramigen formula which my 2 yr old was on his first year too, and we get sent on our merry way. Back through that parking lot of puddles. SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH. Curses under breath.
Needless to say I just came home. I am still out of milk. And all other foods. We are down to rice and frozen fruit mix. Oh and crackers, I have a crap-ton of crackers. I also am pretty sure after today I AM crackers.
I can't be ALL complainy because the little old lady next door has been having her son snowblow the copious amounts of snow in my driveway. And I had a coupon for a free coffee at my favorite coffee place called Dutch Bros. But still. It is only 1230 pm and I am debating on curling up under the covers and sucking my thumb into a self soothing coma.
Ok. Now I can go back to being the perky annoyance you all know and roll your eyes at =)
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